October 2020

home improvement for the holidays

Holiday House Fever? Cure It With A Home Spruce-Up Exercise

Autumn is here.  Look around the house. Does your temperature rise when you see stained carpets, smudged switch plates and faded window coverings?

With Christmas on the horizon, it's tempting to dive right in to a long list of home improvements. Stop! Wait! Biting off more than you can chew on the home front is a sure-fire recipe for holiday stress. 

Cut toy clutter before Christmas

Make Room for Santa: Pre-Season Toy Declutter

Holidays ahead!  About this time of year, it's a good idea to contemplate the toy situation in your child's room.  Adding Santa's bounty to overstuffed kids' rooms is a recipe for January clutter disaster. Clear the decks and cut kid clutter with a pre-holiday toy clear-out.

It's a fact of modern life. Children's playthings have exploded in number, size, and complexity, while children's storage options have remained static. Just try storing a Happy Meal collection in the average toy box! Even the best-organized kid's rooms can easily drown in today's toy avalanche.

Organize online shopping

Three Tips for Smart Online Shopping

Planning for Christmas, catalog or online shopping has many advantages over the holiday mall scene. 

No long lines. No sore feet. No staggering to the car, weighed down by parcels and shopping bags. 

Shopping becomes a pleasure, conducted from a favorite chair. Make your choice, load your cart, sit back, and wait for the UPS man. Ahhhhh!

Still, it's possible to have too much of a good thing! Holiday promotions sweep in at the end of August, filling email inboxes--and disorganized shopping exacts a high price for convenience.